Maureen Braun is the wife of American businessman and politician, Mike Braun.
Maureen Braun age
How old is Maureen Braun? Maureen Braun is 40 years old.
How long has Maureen Braun been married to Mike Braun?
Maureen Braun and Mike Braun have been married since 1976; 45 years (as of 2021).
Maureen Braun and Mike Braun children together
How many children does Maureen Braun have with Mike Braun? Maureen Braun and her husband Mike Braun have four children together. They are;
- Jeff Braun.
- Kristen Braun.
- Ashley Braun.
- Jason Braun.
Maureen Braun net worth
How much is Maureen Braun worth? Maureen Braun along with her husband, share a net worth of $35 million.
Maureen Braun view about her husband
What did Maureen Braun say about her husband? Maureen Braun penned a note of support to her husband while he was running for Senate in 2019. She shared that Mike is the best person for the job since he knows what the people want.
According to her, Mike has lived in Indiana for 62 years, therefore, he has literally grown up with citizens of the community, making him the best man for the job.