Carp returns to Street Outlaws: Memphis after absence due to car crash Wed 2 February 2022 16:1

Justin Carp Carpenter is finally back on our screens as he makes his return to the new season of Street Outlaws: Memphis. Carp, as well as his Camaro, The Big Sexy, have been MIA on the show for a while due to some serious damage after Carp was involved in a car crash.

Carp is loved on the show for his positive and laid back attitude and fans made it clear that he was sorely missed when he made his return. So, what actually happened to Carp and his beloved Camaro?

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Carp’s car was destroyed during a race

Carp had just started a race on the Battlefield race track in Mississippi when the crash took place. The race was being filmed for a Street Outlaws episode and the entire incident was caught on camera.

It was approximately three seconds into the race when Carp’s tires started to skid and lose control on the track, the vehicle quickly became unmanageable and rolled over across the track.

The damage caused wrote the vehicle off but thankfully Carp hardly suffered and only obtained minor injuries. The general public saw and captured the entire event too and after seeing it, it’s safe to say it looks pretty intense!

Skip to 0.25 seconds on the YouTube clip below to see the accident.

Carp spent the entire season rebuilding his car

After the incident took place, Carp posted pictures of the wreckage and the front bonnet was completely ruined. However, Carp is a very skilled mechanic and refused to give up on the Big Sexy and spent the entire season that he was absent, repairing and remaking his car.

He took out the old twisted frame and replaced it with a brand new one to support a new and upgraded engine.

Carp makes his return to Street Outlaws: Memphis

Fans were pretty impressed with how quickly the drag racer managed to repair his vehicle, after seeing the footage of the crash, it didn’t seem possible.

Carps determination and love for cars meant he had the skill and passion to repair his vehicle with ease.

However, his quick return to the track has made a couple of fans question the world of drag racing. Some Street Outlaws fans have been pointing out the dangers in this industry after Carps’ crash is added to the ever-growing list.

One person via Twitter made the comment that according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 153 people were killed and 122 street crashes took place between 2001 – 2010.

Let’s Go Folks… Street Outlaws Memphis where it is… Let’s GO CARP…!!!

— AF_One (@ericm0318) January 16, 2018
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