Former AEW World Champion CM Punk recently took to Instagram to share a photo of himself alongside his wife, AJ Lee.
The Second City Saint has been married to AJ for almost a decade. The two stars met in the Stamford-based Promotion years ago when Punk was one of the biggest stars on Vince McMahon's roster. He was also involved with his wife in a storyline that included Bryan Danielson.
Despite the ups and downs in his life, CM Punk's marriage to AJ Lee has endured the test of time. Punk once again expressed his love for his wife on Valentine's Day by posting an adorable picture of them on Instagram, with the caption:
"Rain or shine, always my valentine @theajmendez"You can check out the photo here:
Disco Inferno believes CM Punk should be brought back to AEW
While Punk has been away from the Jacksonville-based Promotion for a while, Disco Inferno believes bringing him back would be a good option.
The Second City Saint's remarks at the All Out media scrum last year led to his suspension from the roster. Furthermore, he had also suffered a tricep injury, which required him to stay out of action for his recovery.
Despite his controversial status, Disco Inferno recently spoke about how his involvement led to a significant rise in viewership. On the Keepin' it 100 podcast, he further explained why it would be profitable to bring the star back.
"As the numbers have come in on a weekly basis, we look in like, bro Harry, you agree like it looked like Punk had around give or take 100,000 fans, that really came to the show just for him and now that he's not on the show, they kind of left, you know? It's like, and then it's worth it, that's a significant, that's 10% of your audience, you know." (24:34 onwards)CM Punk was also spotted alongside two AEW stars, which may hint at his return. It remains to be seen what is next for him in the future.
Do you want to see Punk back in AEW? Sound off in the comments section below!
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