How to kill Lucent Hive in Destiny 2

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The latest expansion for Destiny 2, The Witch Queen, is packed with a lot of content. This includes a new campaign with legendary difficulty and a brand new open world location. Savathun has taken the light and used it to create a new variant of the Hive. It’s your job to deal with it.

Lucent Hive are a new variant of Hive. More fearsome and intelligent, the Lucent Hive are adorned in bright carapace armor befitting the light they now wield. In addition to the standard rank and file Hive enemies, Lucent Hive are led by a brand new enemy archetype in Destiny 2, Hive Guardians.

Hive Guardians have ghosts of their own. Similar to players, they can use the light for their abilities and even super attacks. Hive Knights use the Titan’s Sentinel Shield super attack. Hive Acolytes use the Hunter’s Blade barrage and Wizard’s use the Warlock’s Stormcaller.

The Lucent Hive variants led by the Hive Guardians are a formidable foe, but not an invincible one. Standard Lucent Hive variants are dispatched no differently than any other enemy in Destiny 2. Super attacks and guns work well. The new glaive weapons are also a fantastic tool for dispatching Lucent Hive up close or from afar.

Hive Guardians are a brand new enemy to Destiny 2’s sandbox, and defeating them isn’t as straightforward as the rest of the Lucent Hive. When Hive Guardians are defeated, their ghost will float above their corpse, similar to a player’s ghost when they wipe. After a certain amount of time, Hive Guardians will respawn ready to attack once more.

The trick to ensuring Hive Guardians stay down, is to quickly sprint to their ghost and perform a finisher on it. Doing so will grab the Hive ghost and shatter it, keeping that Hive Guardian out of the fight permanently. Close-range weapons such as glaives, shotguns, or swords are good options for melee combat.

Void 3.0 has also given every class a suppressor grenade. Suppressor grenades are very useful as they disable any light-based abilities. When Hive Guardians activate their super attacks, a well-placed suppressor grenade will shut them down and leave them vulnerable to attack. Shut them down, move in for the kill, and crush their ghost to put the Lucent Hive down for good.

About the author

David Rodriguez

David Rodriguez is a freelance writer at Gamepur and has been gaming for 30 years. His work has also appeared at NTF Gaming, Opencritic, and Metacritic. Outside of his love for games, you can catch him extolling the virtues of classic action cinema and the elegant class of early 2000s Nu-Metal.

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