4 facts about Faye Yager from the FX documentary Young people of the Underground The Talks Today

Children of the Underground, an upcoming documentary on FX, centers on the vigilante Faye Yager, who over the course of several years created a sizable network to shield children from sexual abuse. The documentary will go deeply into her life and examine, among other things, how she was able to create the sizable, contentious network. On Friday, August 12, 2022, the show will premiere on FX.

According to the official YouTube account of FX Networks, a brief summary of the program is as follows:

Children of the Underground is a genuine account of the charismatic vigilante Faye Yager, who created a sizable underground network to conceal hundreds of mothers and children and protect them from claimed abuse by husbands and dads when a dysfunctional legal system would not ”
The synopsis goes on to say:

“Yager ultimately met her match when she assisted the affluent banker who invented the ATM in making his ex-wife and children vanish, and a loud public reckoning was about to take place.
Here are four things you should know about Faye Yager and her activities before the show’s premiere.

Children of the Underground on FX: 4 essential facts about Faye Yager

1) The terrible past of Faye Yager
Networks FX
Faye Yager, a vigilante for FX Networks @FXNetworks, created a sizable underground network to assist moms and children in fleeing violence. But did her cause have a sinister edge to it? Children of the Underground, a brand-new five-part original docuseries from FX, debuts on August 12. Watch on @hulu.
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At the age of 17, Yager wed a man named Roger Jones. Michelle, the daughter of the couple, allegedly suffered Jones’ maltreatment when she was just two years old. Yager allegedly saw the violence take place, and despite seeking legal assistance, her husband reportedly committed her to an asylum on the grounds that his wife wasn’t mentally stable. She eventually succeeded in leaving the hospital. She reportedly lost the case twice during the years-long custody dispute for her daughter.

2) Gaining popularity in the 1980s and early 1990s

Yager made the decision to actively advance the cause after reading a news article about a mother attempting to defend her kids from sexual assault at the hands of her ex-husband. In the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, she apparently established a sizable network to guard children who were being mistreated by their parents all over the nation. She became a media sensation at that time and participated in a number of interviews.

She allegedly stated that she had assisted over 2,000 families in going into hiding in 1992. Yager is accused of setting up fraudulent IDs, giving the women and children new identities, and assisting them in leaving their abusive husbands behind.

3) The case of Bipin Shah
Michelle \sMichelle \[email protected]
The following day, August 13, Children of the Underground will be available on @FX, @Hulu, and @Disney+. Please help us bring to light the hidden truths that oppress children all across the world.
#childrenoftheunderground #darksecrets #fayeyager

Bipin Shah, an entrepreneur, reportedly filed a lawsuit against Yager, claiming that she assisted his ex-wife, Ellen, in fleeing the country with their daughters. Shah insisted that he had never mistreated his wife or children.

After his wife and children allegedly returned to the United States, the case—which had apparently been pending for a year—was withdrawn. Yager engaged in a number of legal disputes in the late 1990s, when several parents accused her of kidnapping and controlling their kids. According to reports, the FBI spent some time looking into her activities.

4) Life outside of the spotlight
Underwatch \sUnderwatch \[email protected]
Elizabeth Ann Stratton, a parent abductor who was allegedly helped by Billy Faye Yager of the Children of the Underground, is wanted by the authorities.
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According to reports, Faye Yager now lives a life hidden from view. Yager wed an Atlantan doctor after two failed marriages. According to reports, the couple manages a 14-room inn in Brevard, North Carolina. Although it’s unclear whether she still manages her underground network, she told Newsweek in 2016 that she still supported families and kids with the aid of her organization.

On August 12, 2022, don’t miss Children of the Underground on FX.
