Kameron Gammage, a Texas father, was arrested for the capital murder of his infant son; Leila Pierso

This week, police in Texas jailed a couple after finding a dead newborn inside their home at the age of eight months.

The youngster suffered extensive bruising and swelling on the left side of his face and head, according to the arrest report by the Odessa Police Department.

The top of the dead baby’s head had several further minor injuries, according to the authorities.

The cops also discovered the couple’s apartment inside to be matted with what appeared to be dog faeces on the floor.

The couple allegedly tried to clean up some of the mess before the police arrived.

The infant’s injuries, according to Kameron Gammage, were brought on by his banging his head against a hard area of the crib’s interior.

Texas Father Kameron Gammage Was Arrested For Killing His Infant Son

After his 8-month-old son Logan Pierson was found dead with facial edoema and bruising on July 12, Kameron Gammage, 23, was detained.

Tuesday, the parents noticed their child wasn’t breathing, so they called 911. By the time help arrived, the baby was already dead, according to an affidavit.

A man from Odessa who was initially charged with harming his child is now accused of capital murder.

Gammage admitted to using marijuana on July 9 and then trying to play with his weeping child to try and stop him from crying, according to investigators.

He claimed to have thrown Logan into the air four times before “accidentally” dumping him.

Leila Pierson, an 18-year-old mother, is accused of ignoring the children’s medical care

The baby’s mother, Leyla Pierson, is also accused of the kid’s death and is charged with one count of harm to a child by criminal negligence.

Despite seeing the child’s injuries on July 9 but choosing not to take him to the doctor, Pierson admitted to investigators.

According to what she was informed by Gammage, the child’s skull hitting the crib was the final blow.

After the incident on July 9, the baby reportedly became “more cranky than usual regular baby, which she attributed to teething,” according to Leyla.

Logan’s aunt, Brittany Pruitt, expressed her shock at her nephew’s tragic passing in an interview on Wednesday.

The child’s mother, Pierson, paid a $5,000 bond, but Gammage, who was arrested on suspicion of endangering a child, is still being held in the Ector County Jail. $350,000 has been set as his bail.

Extreme anger issues plague the heartless Father Kameron

According to her written statement, Leyla Pierson, 18, told officials she found the baby unresponsive.

and “frantically” raced to Gammage to tell him about the kid and rouse him up, but he didn’t seem interested. According to the affidavit, Pierson claimed she advised Gammage to call 911 when he asked what he should do.

He reportedly apologised and expressed his hope that she wouldn’t be upset with him. Gammage, according to Pierson, “has major rage issues and has recently strangled multiple dogs.”

Kameron Gammage acknowledges dropping his child while holding him three days before he passed away.

According to the affidavit, Gammage later admitted to having anger management problems and told investigators that he had been under a lot of stress lately, including the baby’s cries.

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How Did Logan Pierson, an 8-month-old baby, Die? This is what transpired.

Gammage reported to the police that he tried to play with the crying baby Logan by throwing him in the air and catching him.

The affidavit claims that he lost his temper when Logan continued to scream and “accidentally” dropped the infant after the fourth toss.

The infant became “fussy” during the course of the following two days, according to Pierson, who also claimed that the couple did not seek medical assistance for the wounds.

Following his arrest, Gammage is now being held on suspicion of capital murder as well as other allegations related to an earlier incident.

Pierson was sentenced to jail for neglecting to seek medical assistance while being aware of the boy’s injuries and knowing about them.
