Kiko Loureiro Net Worth, Income, Salary, Earnings, Biography, How much money make?

Kiko Loureiro Net Worth, Income, Salary, Earnings, Biography, How much money make?

Known professionally as Kiko Loureiro (born Pedro Henrique Loureiro on June 16, 1972 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), he is a Brazilian heavy metal guitarist who is a member of the band Angra. Loureiro started studying music and playing the acoustic guitar when he was eleven years old. His early influences included various artists such as Eddie Van Halen, Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, and Randy Rhoads. By the age of 16, he had already joined two bands, Legalize (with Edu Mello on vocals and Dennis Belik on bass, and Alja on drums), and A Chave (with Edu Mello on vocals and Dennis Belik on bass, and Alja on drums), and was performing in nightclubs in So Paulo. At the age of 19, he assisted in the formation of the Brazilian power metal band Angra, with whom he continues to perform. Loureiro has achieved considerable success as a result of the growing popularity of power metal, both as a member of the Angra band and as a solo artist. Known for his incredible technical ability on the guitar, he incorporates methods such as two-handed tapping, sweep picking (full sweeped arpeggios), alternate picking, artificial and natural harmonics, and mixing legato and staccato in the same run or phrase into his performances. In addition, he is well-known for his instructional and demonstration films, as well as for writing articles for and appearing on the covers of publications such as Cover Guitarra, Guitar & Bass, and Young Guitar, among other things. In addition to his rock/metal accomplishments, Loureiro has collaborated with Dave Rodgers on a number of eurobeat tracks, including “Fevernova,” “Ring of Fire,” and “The Road is on Fire,” on which he has contributed guitars and vocals. In addition to his native Portuguese, he is fluent in a few other languages, including French, Spanish, Finnish, and English.

Kiko Loureiro Net Worth : $ 7 Million

Lets check out updated 2021 Kiko Loureiro Net Worth Income Salary report which is given below :

Kiko Loureiro’s Salary / Income:

Per Year: $ 4,00,000

Per Month: $ 32,000

Per Week: $ 8,000

Per Day:Per Hour:Per Minute:Per Second:
$ 1140$ 19$ 0.3$ 0.05

Kiko Loureiro Wiki

Net Worth$7 Million
Date Of BirthJune 16, 1972
Place Of BirthRio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Work PositionMegadeth lead guitarist
NicknamesKiko Loureiro, Loureiro, Kiko
Star SignGemini

Kiko Loureiro FAQ

  • How did Kiko Loureiro get so rich?
  • What is Kiko Loureiro Earning per day ?
  • Lets check out Kiko Loureiro Wife / Husand Net Worth ?
  • How much does Kiko Loureiro make per day?
  • How much Kiko Loureiro Net Worth ?
  • How Kiko Loureiro become rich ?
  • How does Kiko Loureiro make money ?
  • What is Kiko Loureiro Income ?
  • How much Kiko Loureiro Salary ?
  • How old is Kiko Loureiro Age ?
  • How tall is Kiko Loureiro Height ?
