How old is Jim France? When is Jim France's birthday? Where is Jim France born? Where did Jim France grow up from? What's Jim France's age?
Jim France Born: October 24, 1944 (age 78years), Daytona Beach, Florida, United States
Is Jim France married? When did Jim France get married? Who's Jim France's married to? (Who's Jim France's husband / wife)?
Jim France Spouse: Sharon France
How about Jim France's parents?
Jim France Parents: Bill France Sr., Anne Bledsoe France
How about Jim France's sibling?
Jim France Sibling: Bill France, Jr.
Does Jim France have any children? What are the names of Jim France's children? What are the ages of Jim France's children?
Jim France Children: J. C. France
How about Jim France's net worth?
Jim France Net worth: 1.8billion USD (2023)
How about Jim France's nephew?
Jim France Nephew: Brian France
Who is Jim France CEO of NASCAR?
James Carl France (born October 24, 1944) is an American motorsports executive. He is the chief executive officer (CEO), the chairman, and executive vice president of NASCAR, the former chief executive officer (CEO) of International Speedway Corporation (ISC) and the owner of the IMSA team Action Express Racing.
Is the France family still involved in NASCAR?
The France family is known as the "first family" of NASCAR racing. NASCAR was founded by Bill France, Sr. in 1948 and to this day France family members own and operate NASCAR.
Who is the CEO of NASCAR?
NASCAR is owned by the France family.The racing organization is a privately-owned company and has been in the France family since its inception in 1948. NASCAR largely controls racing in the United States and has expanded globally. There are fifteen different racing series in the U.S. under the NASCAR umbrella.
Who owns NASCAR now?
NASCAR is owned by the France family.The racing organization is a privately-owned company and has been in the France family since its inception in 1948. NASCAR largely controls racing in the United States and has expanded globally. There are fifteen different racing series in the U.S. under the NASCAR umbrella.