Syreeta from My 600 lb Life is still committed to her weight loss journey Thu 23 February 2023

Syreeta Covington shares her story on season 11, episode 4 of TLC’s My 600-lb Life, and hopes to be approved for weight loss surgery with Dr.Now. As well as Syreeta, we’re also introduced to her husband Lawrence.

Syreeta opened up about many hard topics on My 600-lb Life including her difficult childhood, which was spent in foster care. She then explained that she ‘just made her peace with loving the feeling she got from food.’

We take a closer look into where Syreeta is now after the TLC show.

Who is Syreeta Covington?

Syreeta Covington hails from Illinois and at the time of filming My 600-lb Life, was 31 years old.

She’s married to her husband Lawrence, who is her primary caregiver.

After she left high school, Syreeta revealed that she weighed 450 lbs.

My 600-lb Life viewers are introduced to Syreeta’s husband Lawrence

Syreeta’s husband Lawrence is her primary caregiver, as she’s practically bedridden due to her size.

He’s a great support and the two diet and exercise together, even attempting to make the workouts fun.

As Syreeta used to play volleyball, the couple would often incorporate this into their exercise routine.

Lawrence is active on Instagram and posts pictures of the two together.

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Where is Syreeta from My 600-lb Life now?

At the end of Syreeta’s My 600-lb Life episode, we saw Dr.Now tell her she has two months left to see if she’s approved for weight loss surgery.

As of now, it is not clear whether she was approved for the surgery or not.

Just like My 600-lb cast member Wess, she regularly updates her Facebook page. She shares many snaps of herself and Lawrence on the social media platform, so the couple are still going strong.

She also posts about going to the gym, and in one post replied to her friend saying: “My goal is to go every day this week”, so it seems like Syreeta is still committed to her weight loss journey.

An intense therapy session ahead of surgery has Syreeta worried if it's even the right option for her. See her transformative journey tonight at 8/7c #My600LbLife

— TLC Network (@TLC) February 22, 2023
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If you or someone you know needs support, there are many eating disorder helplines in the UK here to help. Beat can be contacted at 0808 801 0677 while Mind’s contact number is 0300 123 3393.
If you are based in the USA, you can call NEDA on (800) 931-2237.
