Ezreals Best Skins in League of Legends (All Ranked) FandomSpot

Ever since Ezreal received a VGU, he has become one of those champions that looks and feels good even without any added cosmetics.

But even though the base skin got out of the museum quite a while ago, why not make him look even better?

So, to make sure you spend your hard earned RP in the best way possible, we’re going to take a look at all of Ezreal’s skins and rank them from worst to best.

14. Striker Ezreal

Released: June 24th, 2010
Price: 520 RP

Maybe it’s just because I don’t play soccer/football, but this skin always seemed a bit random to me.

Sure, it’s not like it’s the only Ezreal skin that places him in a more realistic setting. But I just can’t vibe with it.

The design for his glove is pretty cool, and his face looks rather detailed with this fresh cut – but the high socks and shorts combo just isn’t for me.

Especially when you take into consideration how amazing the rest of Ezreal’s skin line is.

If nothing else, at least this is cheap.

So you won’t have to sink a lot of RP into this if you really want to go for the sports vibe.

13. TPA Ezreal

Released: May 23rd, 2013
Price: 750 RP

My reasoning for this ranking is basically the same as for the last one, although I will say that I like it quite a bit more.

The foam finger makes him look goofy enough to make this skin viable occasionally.

You also do get that Worlds cup in your joke emote, so some bonus points there.

Plus, my man is honestly lowkey dripped out – which I always like to see.

It’s nothing that’ll blow your socks off, but I can’t really say that I dislike it either.

12. Explorer Ezreal

Released: October 13th, 2010
Price: 750 RP

Explorer Ezreal feels like Riot took the base skin and hit “upgrade”.

It basically has that same vibe as the base skin, and hits on all the same notes, but with just a hint of extra detail.

It doesn’t really go plus ultra or anything, but it definitely does the Explorer theme justice.

Plus his gauntlet looks like the prototype for Thanos’ new green initiative glove, which is always cool.

The splash art is solid, the price point is rather fair, and the skin overall is just positively okay. That’s about it.

11. Ace of Spades Ezreal

Released: May 20th, 2015
Price: 750 RP

I’ll be honest with you: if the in-game model from this skin reflected even 10% of the raw badass power emanating from the splash art, this would be leaps and bounds higher in our ranking.

However, Ace of Spades Ezreal just looks like a spoiled brat in the game.

Yes, he does look quite fancy. And the color palette is rather nice.

But if you want to go fancy there’s a better skin to go after, while spending the same amount of RP.

So this is not terrible, but you can get better (keep scrolling!)

10. Debonair Ezreal

Released: August 5th, 2014
Price: 750 RP

Now this is how you make Ezreal fancy!

You can never truly go wrong with the slick James Bond look. And our boy is wearing it with style.

The white coat really makes the gauntlet pop, and the shades on his forehead showcase that he’s here to chew bubblegum and kill some minions.

Plus, unlike the entire rest of Ezreal’s catalogue, this skin actually has chromas!

It seems weird that this is the only one to get the recolor treatment, but Riot works in mysterious ways, so I won’t question it.

Very solid, very fancy, all out of bubblegum.

9. Nottingham Ezreal

Released: October 13th, 2010
Price: 520 RP

Making Ezreal an elf is honestly such an obvious idea that I’m surprised Riot hasn’t done it more often.

But at least Nottingham Ezreal delivers on that end.

The gold and green color palette here is extremely nice to look at, and the amount of detail on this skin is honestly kind of shocking.

You even get pointed ears!

Not like you can really see them without zooming in and potentially inting, but it still counts.

The splash art is also pretty great here, and the price is as fair as you can get.

So overall it’s a pretty good choice if you love D&D and don’t want to throw away too many D&Dollars.

8. Frosted Ezreal

Released: July 18th, 2010
Price: 520 RP

When you see this skin, its release date, and its price, you might ask yourself “is this just a recolor? Why is it so high up?”

And to that I say: it’s complicated.

Even though Frosted Ezreal literally has less detail than the base skin, it just feels smooth as hell.

The gauntlet looks absolutely badass, and the blue-black color palette works way better than it has any right to.

It’s disappointing that the skin is only a character model change, as the base yellow particles look a bit odd when using this skin. But the character model is so oddly satisfying that I feel like I have to give it some credit.

Sometimes simplicity works, I guess.

7. Pulsefire Ezreal

Released: June 29th, 2012
Price: 3250 RP

Pulsefire Ezreal did not age as well as Ezreal mains would have hoped.

I can’t say that it’s bad, but it definitely has some glaring flaws.

On the positive side of things, the homeguard animation here looks absolutely sick. Also the ult level transformations give you a very nice sense of the progression of the game, and you get some exclusive features, like a teleport animation.

On the negative side of things, this skin just feels really clunky. The dance emote is also an absolute letdown, and the skin charges way more than it delivers.

Even at 1820 RP, it would be a somewhat hard sell for the title of “the best Ezreal skin”… but a whopping 3250 RP guarantees its place as the least worthwhile of all the high-end skins.

6. Pajama Guardian Ezreal

Released: November 21st, 2018
Price: 1350 RP

When it comes to Pajama Guardian skins, you either love them or hate them. Probably since they’re so incredibly specific when it comes to their design.

And while Pajama Guardian Urgot will always have a special place in my heart, I have to say that I’m not really in love with this one.

It definitely makes Ezreal look adorable with bright colors, cats, and pajama galore. But I prefer my Ezreal skins to be a bit more on the badass side.

Yes, even my fragile masculinity comes into play here!

That being said, these animations are just brilliant – and the skin does offer some neat features, so it’s not like I can nerf it too hard.

5. Star Guardian Ezreal

Released: September 6th, 2017
Price: 1350 RP

Now this is more like it!

The character model looks badass enough to make me feel like a true protector of the galaxy. Plus the particles and sound effects are clean and make for some easy CSing.

And the new backing animation is oddly calming. I don’t know whether it’s because of the angelic wings or the voice that comes with them, but that backing animation is truly special…

You even get a neat new homeguard animation where you fly around and chill with your token pet buddy.

Star Guardian Ezreal is just a really solid skin with no real downsides – and it has quite the loyal fanbase.

4. Arcade Ezreal

Released: August 24th, 2016
Price: 1350 RP

I love the League Arcade skin line.

The sound effects are so distinct that you never feel lost, even in the most hectic teamfight. And the visuals are a treat.

I especially like the new ult animation for this skin, where you pull out a sword to send out the blast. Definitely quite unique.

The character model is on the more tame side of things, but it still has some really nice details, like the fact that Ezreal’s gauntlet looks like a rejected gaming console. And that even his shirt has some pixel art on it.

I know that some people don’t quite dig the new backing animation, but I see it as a nice blast from the past.

And the splash art is absolutely wonderful.

Overall, Arcade Ezreal is an amazing skin that’s only missing that little bit of “wow factor” to push it higher on this list.

3. SSG Ezreal

Released: July 20th, 2018
Price: 1350 RP

Even though this splash art basically massacred any expectations I could’ve had, I will say that SSG Ezreal is a sleeper OP.

The character model is very simple but very elegant, with some nice mixes of blue and a rather angelic gauntlet.

But the new animations and particles just blew me away.

Even though it’s only a Worlds skin, Riot decided to introduce this cosmic vibe, with star particles firing off all of your abilities.

The E is even more impressive – as it almost looks like you disappear into a cloud of smoke.

Even the backing animation is rather creative, despite just showcasing the SSG logo.

Trust me people, do not sleep on this skin.

2. Battle Academia Ezreal

Released: May 15th, 2019
Price: 1820 RP

With this one, the decision is simple.

If you love anime and don’t care about the price, mentally put it at your number one spot – because you will honestly not find a better skin around.

The character model is already drop-dead gorgeous.

And the animations really seal the deal.

And the Q and W animations have never felt more impactful, plus the E is slick and the ult Is badass.

You get to turn Super Saiyan, quote Dragon Ball in your emotes, and even do that anime thing where you run around with toast in your mouth.

I will admit that backing animation and the new death animation aren’t as groundbreaking. But they’re still very solid.

All of that being said, Battle Academia Ezreal is just a lot. And it can become slightly overwhelming at times.

Plus is mostly an anime fan skin, so I have to rob it of its throne while still putting it way high up.

1. PsyOps Ezreal

Released: September 3rd, 2020
Price: 1350 RP

I feel like you can’t go wrong with PsyOps Ezreal.

It’s so blatantly badass, and yet simple enough that I think it should satisfy just about any Ezreal main. Okay, except the base form puritans.

Being that this is one of his newest skins to drop, you don’t need much detail to see that this skin is as smooth as they come. And the new ability particles really make them feel like they’re packing extra pizazz.

I could honestly write an entire seminar on how much I love the new backing animation, because it’s just too good.

This skin doesn’t go overboard. Instead it just sticks to a simple but badass design – and it delivers on all fronts.

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