I hate my mom for cheating on my dad.Am I being dramatic or can my hate be justified?

Oh wow, so his moms reward for picking a jerk to have her kids with is sleeping around with Tom, Dick and Harry....right in front of her kids.

There are other women who would put all that energy she put into sexing other men into picking up their kids, moving out to a battered womans shelter and/or a relative and working ten jobs to rescue their kids from the poor choice she made in their father.

The OPs mother is a selfish twit who has no issue in dragging her kids through this sick game/drama between her and her dad. She is no victim. This isnt the Middle East - where some women are forced into arranged marriages.

To the OP, thank your lucky stars that you have options to do better than her. You cant let your past rule your present....if you do, you are allowing her to continue to abuse you as an adult.

Get some counseling to end your anger and move on and have nothing to do with her. If she asks why, tell her the truth. Tell her what you saw and have the therapist help you deal with the fallout cuz guaranteed, she will put it on you, deny it and will not take responsibility.

As for telling your family? I dont know if that will do any good because again she will deny and you will look crazy. If you dont wanna attend family events, IMO, do it for your relatives - not her or your father and when she and him wanna sit around like their poop doesnt stink, just ignore it, keep your visit short and go home after its done.
