Facts About Michelle Bancewicz Cicale From Wicked Tuna 2023

Michelle Bancewicz from Underhanded Fish is the skipper and co-proprietor of Fishing Vessel business fishing boat. She is the main female chief.

She knows how to get big fish as one of the viral recordings shows her getting a 9-foot fish solo in her boat.


Her boat is named “No Restrictions” and as the name proposes, she has no restrictions while getting big fish in the sea.

Bancewicz is likewise one of the main female business fishing chiefs in the waters of New Britain’s acclaimed bluefin fish grounds.

She is the main female skipper on the show and from her involvement with fishing and drifting, she is there to remain.

Being one of the main ladies out in the water, she feels like she is out there staying aware of the folks and it encourages her.

Michelle Bancewicz from Mischievous Fish is the main female commander on the show. She began fishing early in life.

Her dad was a sporting angler and they had a family boat that they used to spend consistently or excursion on.

She and her brother used to rest on the boat during their teen and work on the party boats.

She began her most memorable occupation at 14 years old and she just fell head over heels for fishing. Bancewicz likewise worked in a vehicle carport and was additionally a server at a vehicle for two or three years.

Her family had a commander’s permit, which urged her to get her permit as well. From that point forward, she has been on the ocean, fishing and making her fortune from it.

In a meeting she expressed dealing with Underhanded Fish was an impact and loads of tomfoolery.

Other than fish fishing, she cherishes investing energy with her two adolescent girls. She comes to the land due to her affection for them.

Her more youthful little girl is ordinarily on the boat with her however she isn’t keen on fishing like her.

Facts About Michelle Bancewicz

  • Michelle Bancewicz Cicale caught her first fish in 2015 while working on a party boat when she and her friend hooked up a fist that was at least 100 inches.
  •  Bancewicz has an all-female crew after she bought her own boat in 2019. She didn’t like how people assumed that the fish she caught before was hooked by men.
  • She and Lea caught their biggest fish which was 109 inches and at least 800 pounds. They caught the fish after fighting it for 5 hours.
  • She is a part of the No Limits Crew on Wicked Tuna. The show recently shared a video of them catching a huge tuna fish on their Facebook page.
  • Michelle is a very determined human and doesn’t like to give up. She loves fishing and will continue to do so all her life.
  • Be that as it may, her more established little girl as of late begun needing to come out fishing. First and foremost, she simply thought it was gross.

    Now that her mom is on the show, they’ve begun showing an interest.
