What happened to Ronnie Peale Jr? Search for missing Virginia man on a carnival cruise intensifies

On Monday, May 29, Virginia man Ronnie Peale Jr disappeared after he overdid it from a Festival journey transport. Ronnie Peale Jr was on the boat with his accomplice, Jennilyn Michelle Blosser. As per the Autonomous, the casualty tumbled from the boat while it was in the Atlantic Sea, just about 200 miles east of Jacksonville, Florida. Salvage groups are as yet looking for his body.

As per WTKR, at the hour of the mishap, the Amusement park voyage transport was going from Norfolk, Virginia, to the Bahamas. The boat has since gotten back to Norfolk.

The Festival journey transport apparently set off from Norfolk on May 25. Ronnie Peale Jr was on the boat to observe Jennilyn Michelle Blosser’s birthday. Blosser later told nearby media sources that the outing marked their most memorable journey.

Blosser expressed that over the span of the journey, Peale had a good time while drinking, betting, and mingling. Blosser said:

“This was Ronnie’s most memorable journey and fortunately he lived it up and made a lot of companions. He is our outgoing person that was generally progressing and wanted to warm up to everybody.”

According to the Coast Gatekeeper proclamation, Peale was most recently seen on reconnaissance cameras at 4:10 am on Monday. The recording demonstrated that he was hanging over the gallery, yet coincidentally got carried away. Travelers of the voyage transport expressed that over the course of the day, transport staff brought for Peale over the radio.

Another traveler, Leevon Doorman, said that few security groups were likewise scanning the boat for any indication of Peale. It was just affirmed that he had disappeared on Monday evening, hours after he vanished. Security just affirmed that Peale was over the edge subsequent to inspecting the observation film.

A few travelers said that they just found that Ronnie Peale Jr had disappeared through one of Blosser’s Facebook posts. Before long, the Amusement park journey made a beeline for Norfolk, as search groups looked over the Atlantic for any indication of the person in question.

A representative from Fair Voyage Line recognized the episode in an explanation:

I just spoke to the partner of the missing man over social media.

She says his name is Ronnie Peale Jr. and described him as the 'life of the party.'

She shared these photos of the two on the cruise ship

📸: Jennilyn Michelle Blosser pic.twitter.com/DJ3qQcaqDM

— Kaicey Baylor (@kaiceybaylor) May 30, 2023

“He was accounted for missing by his friend late Monday evening and an underlying audit of shut circuit security film affirms that he hung over the railing of his stateroom gallery and dropped into the water at around 4:10 am early Monday morning.”

Following Peale’s vanishing, Jennilyn Blosser began a GoFundMe page to help pay for the casualty’s memorial service costs. As of May 31, the drive has raised $945 of a $20,000 objective. Peale’s body has not yet been recuperated.
