Is Michael Jackson Mother Katherine Jackson Still Alive?

Katherine Jackson is the mother of two famous and successful musicians who are recognised all over the world. She is the matriarch of the famous Jackson family. In Clayton, Alabama on May 4, 1930, Katherine Esther Jackson was born. She was first and oldest child of the family. Jackson was only two years old when she had polio, which left her with a limp for the rest of her life.

Is Michael Jackson Mother Katherine Jackson Still Alive?

Katherine Jackson is still alive and is currently 92 years old. In 1934, her father made the decision to adopt the surname Scruse, and at same time, he also gave his daughter a new name: Katherine Esther Scruse.

Is Katherine Jackson Still Alive

As a child, Jackson had the ambition to become an actress or a country singer, but she was disheartened to learn that there were no well-known black country performers at the time. Jackson’s parents got a divorce when she was a little child. Jackson became a member of the band while he was still a student at Washington High School in East Chicago, Indiana.

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Who Was She Married to?

Katherine first got to know Joe Jackson when she was 17 years old. Before beginning his relationship with Katherine, Joe was legally married to another lady at the time; nevertheless, the marriage ended in less than a year after it began.

Joseph and Katherine was married on November 5, 1949, and a few months later, in January 1950, they purchased a modest house with two bedrooms on Jackson Street in Gary, Indiana, near East Chicago. Four months later, on May 29, 1950, they welcomed their first child, Maureen Reillette “Rebbie” Jackson. She was their first child.

Joe quickly realised that in order to provide for his family, he needed to give up his ambitions of being a professional boxer and instead began working as a crane operator full-time. Katherine was the primary carer for her rapidly expanding family throughout the 1950s. She started working at Sears in Gary on a part-time basis.

Is Katherine Jackson Still Alive

How Many Children Did They Have?

Following then, Joe and Katherine had a total of ten children together. The delivery of Marlon’s twin brother Brandon resulted in the death of the 11th child.

  • Maureen Reillette ‘Rebbie’ Jackson (born May 29, 1950)
  • Sigmund Esco ‘Jackie’ Jackson (born May 4, 1951)
  • Toriano Adaryll ‘Tito’ Jackson (born October 15, 1953)
  • Jermaine La Jaune Jackson (born December 11, 1954)
  • La Toya Yvonne Jackson (born May 29, 1956)
  • Marlon David Jackson (born March 12, 1957)
  • Brandon Jackson (March 12, 1957 – March 12, 1957)
  • Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009)
  • Steven Randall ‘Randy’ Jackson (born October 29, 1961)
  • Janet Damita Jo Jackson (born May 16, 1966)

It was rumoured that Joseph had an affair outside of his marriage that lasted quite some time. In 1973, Katherine submitted papers for divorce, but she ultimately chose to withdraw the petition.

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The following year, Joe and Cheryle Terrell welcomed their daughter into the world, and they named her JohVonnie. Because of this, Joe and Cheryle had an affair that lasted for 25 years while they were raising John-Vonnie.

In 1982, Katherine made another attempt to divorce her husband, but she was ultimately convinced to withdraw the divorce complaint each time. Katherine and Joe remained legally married until his death in 2018 at the age of 89, despite the fact that it was claimed that they had lived apart for a number of years.

Is Katherine Jackson Still Alive

Was She Actually Kidnapped?

In 2012, she gained widespread attention when it appeared as though she had been kidnapped. It has been reported that some of the Jackson children took to Twitter in order to accuse their aunts and uncles Janet, Jermaine, Randy, and Rebbie Jackson of primarily abducting their grandmother Katherine and trying to take her to a spa in Tucson, Arizona, while she was supposed to have custody over Jackson’s children.

However, Katherine later made an appearance on ABC News in which she refuted the accusations that she was taken against her will:

“There are rumors going around about me that I’ve been kidnapped and held against my will. I’m today to let everybody know that I’m fine and I’m here with my children and my children would never do a thing like that, hold me against my will. That’s very stupid for people to think that… I’m devastated that while I’ve been away that my children, my grandchildren, have been taken away from me.”

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How Much Did She Receive in Michael’s Estate?

When Michael Jackson passed away in 2009, he gave his mother a forty percent (40%) interest in his estate. A significant portion of that cash will eventually go to Michael’s children, who already own another 40% of the business themselves. The remaining twenty percent of Michael Jackson’s enormous wealth was left to a number of organisations that support children and youth.

Is Katherine Jackson Still Alive

In 2018, it was reported that Katherine’s health was deteriorating, and that a few of her children were “jockeying for position” in attempt to get their hands on more of their grandmother’s money. In addition, it was reported that Katherine’s condition was worsening because she had been drinking.

According to one source, Jackson was getting a stipend of $67,000 a month from the estate of Michael Jackson, but almost all of it was reportedly going to her children and grandchildren. For example, LaToya and Rebbie Jackson were reportedly getting $37,000 per month, while Jermaine Jackson was said to be getting $12,000 a month. It was also alleged that some of her grandchildren were each receiving around $10,000 per month to support their rent.
