Obituary | Turner Cooper of Dallas Passes Away, TX,, Former Harvard Graduate School of Education

Turner Cooper is deceased, according to sad information that has come to light.

Most of his family and friends have posted about their sorrow on social media.

I’m really heartbroken, and I’m not alright.
Turner Cooper is the person I learnt the most about being steadfastly and fervently committed to love, joy, and justice from. He was very interested in learning more about our shared desire to make Tender Masculinities more visible, about our shared admiration for Darnell L. Moore’s brilliance, about a strong dedication to Black peoples and a Black inclusiveness that, truthfully, failed him far too frequently, and about myself. He repeatedly reassured me that I was a giant and a genius and advised me never to doubt myself. This left me feeling incredibly humbled, but it also made me more determined to try and see myself as generously as he did.
I was so hoping you’d get better.

Unexpected life lessons may be taught to you or brought to your attention by a loved one’s dying. I can think of three fraternity members or friends who will transition in 2022, and each one will be felt differently when considering legacy. You are teaching me today how important it is to give them their flowers while they are still alive as I think back on my friendship with Turner Cooper. I want to continue to be as sporadic and reliable with my check-ins as you were. Very considerate with gifts; now one of my favorite t-shirts has a completely new significance. a lively, sincere spirit. I was excited to see you over ramen in Oklahoma City so I could tell you how much you are transforming the lives of black people.

One could only think of what would take the life of such a person suddenly.
Well, unfortunately, we do not have any reliable information on his cause of death at this moment. There is no official release from his family on what exactly led to his death.
Our team is trying hard to get some information on his cause of death. Once we do, we will share it with you.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent being.

Obituary And Burial Arrangements

The funeral arrangements will be revealed by the family. The family and loved ones will share details about the obituary, funeral, and life celebration at the appropriate time. We will do our best to keep you updated on them.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent and compassionate individual.

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