What We Know About Veronica's Sister

Season 4 of 'Riverdale' will introduce Veronica's older sister Hermosa Lodge. Here's what to know about The CW actress Mishel Prada.

Gabrielle Bernardini - Author

Hiram Lodge has yet another secret that will make itself known in the small town of Riverdale. The CW series teased a major new character at the show’s New York Comic-Con panel. Riverdaleexecutive producer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa confirmed (via TV Guide) that newcomer Hermosa is Veronica Lodge’s (Camila Mendes) older sister.  

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Who is Hermosa Lodge on Riverdale? 

Mishel Prada will tackle the role of the Miami-born private investigator who is “just as scheming” as her dear old dad. "She's just like daddy but a woman so [much] more dangerous," Roberto said. Well, we wonder if Hermione is aware that her villainous husband has another daughter? 

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While the Season 4 trailer doesn’t give much away as to Hermosa’s intentions, we can expect she’ll cause a bit of drama for the Lodge family. In a September Instagram snap, Mishel posted a pic of La Bonne Nuit (Veronica’s club) matches and money, writing, “So... I’ve been spending some time in Riverdale lately. I can’t wait for you to meet Hermosa Lodge #Riverdale.” So, who is Mishel who plays Hermosa on Riverdale?  

She held odd jobs while trying to make it in L.A.

Before the 29-year-old actress made a name for herself for her performance in Starz’s hit show Vida, Mishel was a VIP host at the Roosevelt Hotel. “I would walk the VIPs to their rooms. Then that turned into being a concierge, and I was a very good concierge because I loved food and figuring out what type of things people would like to do,” she told Coveteur.  

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Though, she did mention that she wasn’t the best employee, adding, “I would take my lunch break and sneak into the empty rooms and drink the champagne out of the mini bar.” 

Mishel started seeing a therapist after Season 2 of Vida.

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During her interview with Coveteur, the actress talked about refocusing her attention and admitted to seeing a therapist. “Self-care is something that is a lot more important than I realized. I was like, ‘Anything for art!’ Then, all of the sudden everybody goes home, and you wrap, and you’re just like, ‘How do I turn this off?’” she explained to the outlet.  

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#onevidaatatimehugchallenge! Hug and hold on to those you love because you can. This is me and my great-grandmother embracing, after she had fed me my favorite food, caldo. She was an immigrant from Dominican Republic and I owe so much of what I have now to the sacrifices she and the women in my life made. Currently, Immigrant detainees, including young children, are being deprived of the most basic human needs: Running water, clean clothes, adequate food, healthy sleep, and beds. Experts have called the conditions at these detention centers, where children are separated from their parents, "worse than jail" and compared them to "torture facilities.” These young ones are not allowed to receive hugs or any physical contact from caretakers — or even one another. This has the potential to create severe trauma. I challenge you all tagged to hug it out with me and Join the #onevidaatatimehugchallenge to foster empathy and raise funds for www.immigrantfamiliestogether.com an organization which offers comprehensive support to asylum seekers once they are released: Housing, clothing, and a path to reunite with their loved ones. HERE’S HOW: 1) DONATE: *link in bio 2) POST A PIC on social media of you hugging someone or of you being hugged. It can be a #throwback pic of yourself hugging someone as a kid, or of you right now, involved in a hug. 3) CHALLENGE others to get involved. Together we can change lives

A post shared by Mishel Prada (@mishelprada) on Aug 30, 2019 at 10:54am PDT

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Mishel continued: “After Season 2, I started seeing a therapist, which was such a revolutionary idea. I think a lot of Latin people don’t go and seek therapists. It’s been so profound for me to really have that.” 

Follow Mishel on social media!

Boasting almost 30,000 followers on Instagram, Mishel regularly shares behind the scenes pics from her days on set, editorial snaps, and photos with her friends. She is also an activist who uses social media as a platform to speak out on issues. 

She recently shared a photo of her great grandmother, which she captioned: “She [Her great grandmother] was an immigrant from Dominican Republic and I owe so much of what I have now to the sacrifices she and the women in my life made."

Mishel continued, "Currently, Immigrant detainees, including young children, are being deprived of the most basic human needs: Running water, clean clothes, adequate food, healthy sleep, and beds.” She challenged those tagged to donate to the organization, which raises money for www.immigrantfamiliestogether.com."

Catch the Season 4 premiere of Riverdale on Oct. 9 at 8 p.m. ET on The CW. 
