The Mass Transit Incident | WrestleZone Forums

Yesterday I watched “Forever Hardcore” on Youtube, the independent documentary about ECW. And while I enjoyed the most part of it, there were some things I was unaware that happened during the course of their main history. Now I enjoy that type of wrestling as much as the natural type of wrestling we see in WWE now a days, apart from the unadulterated gore like the barbed wire matches etc.
Two things spring to my mind about what I discovered in watching it. Number 1, New Jack was and is an absolute psycho! That whole segment about him and Vic Grimes, and how Vic caused him to lose vision in his right eye and have brain damage, he blames Grimes yet he says Grimes was unsure about jumping from the height they were at so Jack pulled him as he took off, so in reality, it was New Jack’s own fault. But then to go and try and kill the guy, which he admits in the interview for the documentary, he tried to push him further, towards the turnbuckle rather than the stack of tables. I then read some more about him on Wikipedia, and how when he was in CZW (I think) he stabbed a guy multiple times with a metal blade. It’s no wonder he never stood foot in a WWE ring!
This leads me to my second discovery, also involving New Jack, the Mass Transit incident. For those of you who never heard of this, a kid convinced Paul Heyman into letting him perform in an ECW event, covering for Axl Rotten to team with D-Von Dudley against New Jack and Mustapha ( The Gangsta’s). Now he filled Heyman with crap saying that he was trained by Killer Kowalski, that he was 20 years old and could handle himself in the ring against the wrestlers of ECW. In reality, the kid never received an ounce of training and was only 17, but because he was over 350 pounds and like 5’9 or 5’10, Heyman let him wrestle. Anyway, in the interview with New Jack, he said he never knew that the kid was only 17, he was among almost every single person at the arena that the kid was 20. He said before the match he was coming to him and the other guys, trying to make them do these spots he thought up, keep in mind the kid never wrestled before, no experience or anything, nada! So Jack thought, like most of the other guys would “ Who the hell does this kid think he is?”. He then asked if New Jack would blade him during the match. Of course New Jack agreed, but said he was gonna cut the shit out of him, unbeknownst to the kid.

I scoured Youtube and couldn’t find the video anywhere, buuuut, I eventually found it on DailyMotion. It is horrifying. I don’t think the kid even landed a shot off. He was hit with a toaster, a chair, and then it came to it, Jack picks up a scalpel and goes to town on the kids forehead, it was vile. They still proceeded to attack him after the kid’s Dad is heard yelling “he’s only 17, ring the bell”. It’s crazy to think this actually happened, absolutely no way would that happen now-a-days. I was left with a horrible feeling in my stomach.

Now I respect these guys for what they put their bodies through, and it hit me just how loyal these guys were to ECW at the end of the documentary. Terry Funk and Sabu were talking about a match they had, a barbed wire match to be precise. Sabu had become entangled in the wire and his bicep was ripped from his elbow to his shoulder, and instead of calling it a day, like most people in that position would, he taped up the cut and continued on with the match! That to me was one of the craziest things I have ever heard! And then the last interview is with Terry Funk, and I just sat back and applauded, in my mind of course, his loyalty. The guy was in his late 50’s, WWE offered him a hefty contract to join them. He said he went and discussed it with his wife, his wife said “Terry, I hope you’re going to accept that money at this age” To which he said “ I can’t, I can’t leave my buddies behind, my guys, my fans” he then broke into tears, and said “And that’s why I ain’t a millionaire..” I have nothing but respect for that man now, absolute legend in my eyes!

Anyway guys, just wanted to share that with you all, it’s a great documentary if you haven’t seen it, what do you all think about these incidents and maybe there’s others that weren’t included, doesn’t even have to be a ECW incident, what about New Jack, thoughts on him? Drop a post!
