Hayden Panettiere, 29, no longer a part of her daughter's life

Here's the Enty blind about Hayden that mentions her connection to Diana Jenkins. Yeah yeah it's Enty so skip if you loathe him. This is courtesy of the famous commenter Himmmm


Okay folks, here goes. Excuse the spelling as I'm on an iPhone w/o spellcheck. First, sorry for unleashing all of this. Second, I am NOT judging this young lady - just saying that help is there for all of us if we accept it and want to help ourselves.

And third, if this BLIND ITEM hits and spreads through the web far, wide, and rapidly, I may have to remove this comment. It can cause problems I cannot explain right now. (Don't want trouble for "Enty", so don't be shocked if the whole item and/or my comment gets erased to avoid trouble).

So here goes: Yes, this IS Hayden. 100% totally. I know this for a FACT. The wording of this item is NOT 100% correct - which may be intentional to deny it legally, but it is close. But there's far more to this than is being mentioned, revealed, or even hinted at. For all you GoogleSleuths out there just look up the past news stories about her Dad getting arrested on "domestic" issues - then her mom dropping it. It's not just about a fight, smack, or basic domestic issues. It's about sexual perversions, videotapes, witnesses, and the loss of MONEY and FAME.

I am a FORMER personal "friend" of a woman named Diana Jenkins. Doubt you know her, but she's the Rosetta Stone of every scandal and perversion from Hwood all over the globe. She's an Uber-wealthy divorcee whose hubby ran UK’s Barclay's bank - and she ran the Arab investors for the bank! She's been running a high class call girl/party-girl ring for Arabs, Wall Street, DC, Royals, and Hollywood elites. She's also a MAJOR philanthropist, arts supporter, political donor, and social hostess to EVERYONE. Her best Hwood pals include Sean Penn, Clive Davis, Ari Emanuel, George Clooney, Cindy Crawford, and her “little pet” named Hayden. Diana is the connector of wealthy Arabs and Asians and Athletes with Hwood actresses/models. She also is a sick and twisted bitch. When Hayden and her own Mommy went on the outs, Diana Jenkins took that place in her life, by Hayden's choice.

Leslie P. is not just a poor victim in this trainwreck. Trust me. She's at LEAST 50% responsible (if not more) for encouraging, enabling, and at times even participating in her hubby's twisted fucking life. Leslie's kinks cross the line into depravity, illegality, and inhuman sickness. As in: Ryan ONeal, John Phillips, Tish Cyrus, and Dan Schnieder territory. (Far worse than Pimpa Joe Simpson!)

She's not just had chances to stop it or walk away with the kids, but she elected to not protect her kids - and give in to the hedonistic sickness in her bedroom (all for her own greed). You think Dina Lohan is bad?

Leslie's guilt is compounded by trying to save her daughter's "IMAGE" (so as not affect her earning potential); and hoovering her own mountain of drugs, booze, fame, and fucking (of everything with legs)...Leslie IS as bad as her hubby - maybe worse because she KNEW it was wrong but didn't stop it and at times fueling it.

It's easy to argue that Hayden is forever a victim which drives her own insane life choices - and I'm not a psychologist - but she has taken it further into becoming a willing perpetuator of it (and saying she loves it). Not just the physical and mental violence she enjoys, but her insatiable appetite for the most bizarre shit she can indulge in to "top" herself. She was offered help by some who genuinely cared for her and worried for her. She mocked them and tore off on her own streak. Now? She craves it and considers nothing taboo. NOTHING! Just ask Mario Lopez (right Enty?)
