Secret reason behind Kate Middleton and Prince William's sensible sleeping arrangements

In the midst of a heatwave, many of us would prefer to sleep alone to stay cool, and it's long been reported that royal couples always have separate bedrooms.

It's not just sleeping in the heat that can be improved by having a bed to yourself, though. The fact that Prince William and Princess Kate reportedly choose to have a bedroom each is likely to benefit the Princess of Wales' health all year round.

According to sleep experts at Loughborough University, women need 20 minutes more sleep than men due to their 'complex' brains – so having her own bedroom could mean that Princess Kate gets the extra sleep she needs, free from her husband disturbing her too early.

The royal spoke last week about needing tips to help cope with stress, and has been open about struggling to sleep in the past, so we're hoping she's able to get all the slumber she needs at the moment.

Separate beds are sometimes believed to be a sign of trouble in marriage, but Jessica Alderson, relationship expert and co-founder of the So Synchd dating app, says this is far from the truth.

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"One of the biggest relationship myths is that sleeping in separate beds is a sign of an unhealthy relationship, but this isn't necessarily true," she says. "Sleeping in separate beds as a couple can be a liberating experience and allows each person to have their own space.

"When couples have separate beds, they can make their own choices regarding sleeping habits, such as preferences around temperature, bedding, and sleeping routines. It can lead to much better sleep quality for both people, which can positively impact all areas of their lives, including the quality of their relationship together."

Having separate has further health benefits too, according to sleep expert Martin Seeley of MattressNextDay.

How does sleeping next to someone impact your health?

Increased risk of infection

Sharing a bed with someone who has an infectious illness can increase your risk of getting sick. For example, if your partner has a cold or the flu, you are more likely to catch it if you share a bed.

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Sharing a bed can exacerbate allergy symptoms. Dust mites, pet dander and other allergens can accumulate in bedding and trigger allergic reactions. Princess Kate is said to suffer from hay fever, so her own bed could soothe her allergies.

Poor sleep posture

Sharing a bed may also contribute to poor sleep posture. Sleeping in a position that puts strain on the neck or spine can lead to chronic pain and discomfort.

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