Sean Pursell Obituary, Death – It was something I made a concerted effort not to hear, as I had no desire to learn the devastating news that my brother had died away in the first place. I fought very hard to avoid hearing it. This strikes me extremely near to home; I will love you to the end of time and forever, my little brother;
I’ll miss you; I’ve been crying all night and hardly got any sleep; you just stopped by to see me at my job not too long ago; I always thought I could repair everything but I can’t solve this; I always thought I could mend everything but I can’t fix this; and I always thought I could fix everything but I can’t solve this. I always thought I could repair everything but I can’t solve this. I always thought I could repair everything but I can’t fix this.
I have always felt that I could repair anything, but it has just come to my attention that this is not the case. You will always have a special place in my mind and in my heart, and I will always think of you and consider you with the utmost respect.