SA Youth teachers' assistant application link, form and process in 2022

To tackle unemployment among young people who find it difficult to get jobs in South Africa, the South African government launched several initiatives to decrease the unemployment rate in the country. Among these initiatives is the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI), which provides employment opportunities for teacher assistants. Fortunately, the teachers' assistant application for Phase IV of the initiative is underway.

Teachers' assistants are employed under the Department of Education's Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI). The purpose is to create jobs for young people between 18 and 35 and ease the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The role of the assistants is to help teachers while taking up some responsibilities as deemed necessary.

SA youth application for teacher assistants

Application for the Phase III of SA youth teacher assistant ended in August 2022, while Phase IV of the initiative was earlier scheduled to start on 26 September 2022 but was later postponed to start February 2023.

To give everyone who wishes to apply ample time to gather their documentation and sort the application, a period of six weeks is generally given.

How to apply for a teacher assistant position?

Young applicants who meet some of the criteria listed for the application stage in the qualifications can apply using two ways as follows.

Applicants without internet access

Applicants who need internet access are advised to contact the SA teacher assistant officials at 0800 727272. While the number is toll-free, the officials will request documents like an identity card, postal code, and address to match the applicant with the school closest to them.

Teacher's assistant online application process

Applicants with good internet connections can log into the school assistant application link, The steps are as follows:

  • Visit the official website of the programme to create an account;
  • Click the "I'm ready to join" button, and wait for the window that opens next:
  • If you have your RSA ID number, click on Yes to continue;
  • Fill out the form that opens afterwards;
  • Once done; click on the next button.
  • Submit the application
  • After creating an account, follow these steps:

  • Visit the programme's official website;
  • Click on the "Log in and Apply" button;
  • Enter your username or RSA ID number and password; then, click on the "Log in" button;
  • Select from the list of available teacher's assistant jobs;
  • Click read more to get information on the job;
  • Click apply if interested in the job;
  • Supply the required documents to complete the application.
  • What is the best qualification for a teaching assistant?

    The primary qualifications are listed below:

    • An applicant must be between 18 and 35 years old;
    • An applicant must be a resident of South Africa with a valid RSA ID book, card, passport, or valid work permit;
    • An applicant must reside at most 5 kilometres from the school where they will be likely employed, unless they are to work at a farm school;
    • Only one applicant can be considered from any household;
    • Applicants must meet the requirements per the category and subcategory of the position they are applying for;
    • Applicants must have attended all the training days and completed the assigned work;
    • Applicants must be currently unemployed;
    • An applicant is neither a part-time nor full-time student in any institution nor is involved in any tutorship;
    • The applicant is not currently a beneficiary of any government grants;
    • The applicant is not currently receiving wages, salary or stipend;
    • The applicant does not have any criminal record;
    • An applicant is not unfairly advantaged by collaboration with any staff members at the school;
    • An applicant must have attended and completed all the compulsory training for the position and received the relevant certificates.

    Applicants for Education Assistant must have passed matric English, while an NQF Level 4, 6 and 7 qualification certificate will be an added advantage. Also, applicants going for placement as General School Assistants do not require matric certificate Infrastructure support and Sports and Enrichment Agents. However, Trade certificates will be an added advantage.

    How do I write a CV for a teaching assistant?

    The proper way to write a CV for the SA teacher assistant job is to include qualities that could make one pass for a good teacher in their CV. The qualifications and certification are essential, followed by previous experiences if any, and qualities such as the ability to work with people and within groups, good communication skills, good listening, and a keen interest in learning.

    How much do assistant teachers get paid in South Africa?

    The average salary of a South African youth teacher assistant is about R9,058 monthly. The salary structures are grouped according to the categories of the teacher assistant positions.

    The South African government floated a teacher assistant initiative to help engage unemployed youths between 18 and 35 years into something meaningful. Further to this initiative, the teacher's assistant application for the next phase, Phase IV, is slated for February 2023.

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