GoFundMe: Tiktoker Emmie Sperandeo Injured in a Horse Accident

Tiktoker Emmie Sperandeo Injured in a Horse Accident

Emmie was airlifted to an Arizona Trauma Center on Monday, April 15th after the horse she was riding spun and fell on top of her during a Cattle movement at a Ranch she’s been working on.

She has for all intents and purposes been unconscious since that event.

It’s important to note that Emmie was still recovering from a concussion sustained last month when she was thrown from a bucking horse onto a fence railing.

She also has a broken finger from that incident. Her mom is with her at the hospital along with numerous doctors, surgeons, nurses and specialists are managing her care and monitoring her vitals.

A Gofundme account has been created to raise funds to support Emmie,, click here to donate

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