Isidora Goreshter on Greys Anatomy: Shameless star appears as prison inmate

In a fun moment on this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy, fans got a chance to see a Shameless star popping up in an unexpected place.

Isidora Goreshter, who starred on Shameless as Svetlana Fisher, appeared in some great scenes with Ellen Pompeo’s Meredith, as the doctor spent some time behind bars.

Here is a look at Goreshter’s appearance and whether it could lead to more down the line on Grey’s Anatomy.

Isidora Goreshter on Grey’s Anatomy

The scene with Isidora Goreshter on Grey’s Anatomy took place when Meredith was serving time in jail. She was ordered behind bars to make up for the time she skipped on her community service.

While in jail, she was getting some sleep in her cell when her snoring annoyed her cellmate.

That cellmate was Paula, portrayed by Isidora Goreshter.

While the snoring was a point of contention between the two ladies, they soon struck up a friendship.

All Meredith wanted was to get out of jail and see her kids on Halloween. However, Paula also remained estranged from her kids due to imprisonment for a different reason.

Paula worked nights and realized on one of her shifts that she had no one to leave her kids with. She finally decided to put her kids to bed and go to work, planning on checking in on them during her work breaks.

However, one of her kids woke up, saw her mom was gone and called 911. The police showed up and confronted Paula, and when one of them grabbed her, she said she accidentally hit him.

The police arrested her and moved her kids into foster care until her court date. The problem is that she no money for bail, and her court date had not happened yet.

Meredith felt terrible after hearing the story, and when she got out of jail, she had her attorney help get Paula out as well.

Was Paula telling the truth? Did she sucker Meredith into helping her? There is no telling where this story will go from here, but with an actress like Isidora Goreshter, surely it won’t be a one-off appearance.

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursday nights at 8 p.m. EST on ABC.
