Mitskis songs resonate with repressed emotions of her fans from the LGBTQ+ community

Mitski's songs justify what French poet Victor Hugo once said: "Music expresses that which can not be put into words and that which cannot stay silent."

Through her songs, the indie-pop singer portrays repressed feelings, ambiguity, and introspection, and she never shies away from surrendering her emotions in her music. Mitski's genuine approach towards showcasing her feelings makes it easy for everyone, especially her fans from the LGBTQ community, to connect to her lyrics.

But, the same approach has also garnered attention on the Japanese-American singer-songwriter's sexuality.

Mitski Compared with Frank Ocean in Case of Gay Sexuality

Mitski's songs are well resonated with the LGBTQ community. Perhaps that's why she has been under speculation of being gay. Mostly because she sounds to have been through all the ordeals that one goes through.

Taking Twitter instances, one of her fans compared her sexuality to an openly gay American singer, Frank Ocean. She implied that Mitski was a closeted lesbian while Ocean an openly gay man. 

mitski lesbians and frank ocean gays are the same ppl in different fonts — typhobic (@librafication) December 28, 2020

Moreover, another Twitterati confessed to being a closeted gay while implying that Mitski and singer Phoebe Bridgers were also closeted ones. She wrote, "I'm Mitski and Phoebe gay."

But, despite the talks of her sexuality, the singer has commented or addressed the queries nowhere. Instead, she has stayed tight-lipped and has left the discussions free for her followers.

Her Follower Say Her Songs Echo Gay Fans' Feelings

While there have been questions regarding her sexuality, there are also answers to why the speculations of her being gay persist—all from Mitski’s fans.

In a Reddit post, when a fan asked why Mitski was deemed a woman-loving woman (WLW), another fan clarified it was due to her song's power of applicability. The user named 'Qiolee' then elaborated his opinion by saying that most of her songs' lyrics had thematic uniformity of repressed emotions and hidden romances. He added that the expression of such feelings could be interpreted as her self-expression of sexuality. Moreover, the user quipped that such sentiments could also be why her music has a massive appeal to the LGBTQ+ community.

Similarly, another Reddit user shared similar viewpoints on the matter. The user name 'Verngyu' cited that the sentiments the singer gives off in her songs sum up most of the LGBTQ+ people's experiences. He also focused on Mistski songs, Shame, and Yearning, and wrote that they perfectly reverberate to queer people's struggles. He then clarified that shame and yearning were the conditions that they go through while surviving in society.

I think a lot of mitski's songs are relatable to lgbt+ people because a lot of them discuss shame (literally the song shame), yearning (pink in the night), especially yearning when you're not "allowed" to yearn for somebody (once more to see you, also come into the water). (and, btw, thursday girl i personally think is about compulsory heterosexuality.)

In a nutshell, Mitski's songs somehow resonated with the LGBTQ+ society worldwide. And, the power of her lyrics' applicability to everyone's life is what makes her the contemporary icon of the gay community, regardless of her sexual orientation.
