How old is Marianne Gordon? When is Marianne Gordon's birthday? Where is Marianne Gordon born? Where did Marianne Gordon grow up from? What's Marianne Gordon's age?
Marianne Gordon Born: January 28, 1946 (age 77years), Athens, Georgia, United States
Is Marianne Gordon married? When did Marianne Gordon get married? Who's Marianne Gordon's married to? (Who's Marianne Gordon's husband / wife)?
Marianne Gordon Spouse: Kenny Rogers (m. 19771993), Michael Trikilis (m. 19711975)
Does Marianne Gordon have any children? What are the names of Marianne Gordon's children? What are the ages of Marianne Gordon's children?
Marianne Gordon Children: Christopher Cody Rogers
Marianne Gordon (born 28 January 1946) is an American actress. She was married to Michael Trikilis from 1971 to 1975 and to Kenny Rogers from 1977 to 1993. She was a regular cast member in Hee Haw.
Marianne Gordon (born 28 January 1946) is an American actress. She was married to Michael Trikilis from 1971 to 1975 and to Kenny Rogers from 1977 to 1993. She was a regular cast member in Hee Haw.
This Hee Haw Collection DVD contains the hilarious episode 210 featuring Kenny Rogers and Jana Jae. It was filmed in 1969. Kenny Rogers performs several of his hit songs including the one that launched his career.