Joe Jonas Splits With Blanda Eggenschwiler: Break Up After Joe Got Clean and Sober and Dumped Bad In

Joe Jonas Splits With Blanda Eggenschwiler: Break Up After Joe Got Clean and Sober and Dumped Bad Influence?

Joe Jonas and his hanger-on girlfriend of two years, Blanda Eggenschwiler, have broken up. In other words, Joe finally got sober and ditched the worst  influence in his life.

Joe’s problems first came into the spotlight before the Jonas brothers reunion tour last year, which was abruptly cancelled. The family dodged questions, but sources close to the brothers revealed that it was mainly Joe’s drug issues [alleged heroin addiction] that led to the tour cancellation. I guess getting sober ended up being more important than $$$, which is rare in that industry.

Anyway, it reportedly took a long time for Joe to admit that he even had a problem, but once he did, he was 100% committed to his rehabilitation. He went to rehab, he attended meetings, he stayed healthy, and he got himself a sober coach. And throughout all this, he would have several momentary lapses, all thanks to his girlfriend, Blanda. Okay fine, we don’t know that she was a junkie. But it’s not a coincidence that after he started dating her, all these problems began. That’s not to mention that she was the one that people blamed for him relapsing a few times.

So yes, Joe probably realized – eventually – that Blanda was a negative influence. She was using him for his fame, money and connections. So Joe finally grew a pair and threw her to the curb. In all honesty, it’s probably the only way that he’ll remain sober, and it’s something that people have to do when committing to staying off drugs.

What do you guys think? Will Joe and Blanda get back together, or is this breakup a permanent one? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
