Flare Used at Pre-wedding Photoshoot Allegedly Caused Fire at Mount Bromo's Teletubbies Hill

TEMPO.CO, Malang - The Mount Bromo tourist area is closed due to a fire in the Watangan Valley Savana Block (Pusung Tumpeng), also popularly known as the Teletubbies Hill, on Wednesday evening, September 6. This fire was allegedly caused by the use of flares by visitors from Surabaya who were taking their pre-wedding photos in the area.

According to sources from the Balai Besar Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS), the couple rented a jeep and entered the Bromo tourist area from the Jemplang Block in Ngadas Village, Poncokusumo District. The driver didn't know the renters were carrying flares, and was sleeping so he didn't see the entire photo shoot, including when the photographer lit the flare.

It is suspected they used the flare to create a firey background, but could not control the fire.

The couple and the photographer were confronted by other jeep drivers and handed over to the TNBTS mountain rangers. They were then handed over to the Sukapura Police to be processed.

For now, all tourist entrances from the districts of Malang, Pasuruan, Probolinggo and Lumajang are closed and visitors are prohibited from entering until further notice.

"The closure will take effect from Wednesday, September 6, 2023, starting at 22:00 until further notice," TNBTS PR chief Septi Wardhani Septi said in a written statement given to reporters on Thursday.


Editor's Choice: Mount Bromo Closed to Tourists Due to Land Fires

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