General Hospital Spoilers: Is Sonny Corinthos Leaving GH Maurice Benard Hasnt Renewed Contrac

General Hospital Spoilers: Is Sonny Corinthos Leaving GH - Maurice Benard Hasn’t Renewed Contract - How Will He Make His Exit?

General Hospital spoilers reveal that GH fans might be saying goodbye to their favorite Port Charles mobster. Maurice Benard recently landed the lead in a movie, The Ghost And The Whale, and rumors began to swirl while he was filming the movie that he was going to take time off from General Hospital to promote the movie. Luckily, the rumors never came true, and Maurice Benard stuck around the ABC soap opera, but according to a new report there is a real chance Benard is still leaving General Hospital.

The September 29th edition of ABC Soaps In Depth reveals that Maurice Benard’s General Hospital contract is almost up, and the actor hasn’t renewed it yet, and is considering leaving the soap opera to work on other projects. Benard told Soaps In Depth, “I take the contract day to day. I’m 100% happy at GH, I love Ron and Frank, but I want to do other things.” According to the magazine, at press time the Sonny Corinthos actor still hadn’t renewed his contract.

It’s nearly impossible to imagine Port Charles without Sonny Corinthos; the mobster has been a concrete part of General Hospital since 1993. But, if Maurice Benard insists on leaving the less than sleepy town, then now would be an opportune time. General Hospital spoilers tease that it is only a matter of time before Michael learns that Sonny killed his father, AJ Quartermaine. If Maurice is leaving the soap opera, it would be a perfect time to send him away to prison for murdering AJ, that way the writers won’t have to kill him off and the door will be open for him to return. Then again, death doesn’t seem to stop any GH characters from returning.

What do you think about Maurice Benard leaving General Hospital? Will you miss Sonny Corinthos, or would you like the fact that other Port Charles residents will get a chance to shine? If Benard does leave, how do you think the writers will write his exit? Let us know what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL tomorrow for more General Hospital spoilers.

How do Soap Opera Spy Facebook fans feel about this?:

Everyone is hating on Sonny!!! Hate on the writers!!! It’s not Maurice Bernard’s fault they are giving him crappy storylines. I LOVE HIM!!!

No no no ! Sonny ( Maurice Benard ) is GENERAL HOSPITAL ) without him there would be no GH .. I have watched since day one with him / if he goes – I’m done wasting my day watching .. But if he decides that’s best for him … I wish him luck .. I watched him in movies when he was YOUNG ! GORGEOUS :))))) then & now …

He is the show…..seriously ,,,,soaps are on shaky keep the good actors..please

No, No I’ve been watching way before u came on the show and it’s just never been the same. There just something about Sonny(Maurice). I just luv u to death!

He had better not leave..that’s all I’m sayin

NOOOOO!!!!!!! it wouldn’t be the same.he is a big part of the show and if he has something he wants to do, make his exit so he can come back.

I thought he was going on leave to promote his movie and was coming back. His character would be almost impossible to recast.

Sonny hasn’t taken his vacation yet and the movie, directed by his wife, has already been made and screened. He was supposed to be going on tour to promote it this summer, so maybe they are still negotiating his leave etc. Doubt he’s leaving.

Please don’t go won’t be the she without you.if you leave then no more GH for me.

Maybe going to prison for killing A.J. or he’ll disappear for years and come back but someone else will play that part and in the mean time Shawn and Jason takes over!!

We lost our (STONE COLD) not our SONNY too. Dont do this to us..hes new grandpa!!

Okay GH, you have your answer as to how fans feel about Sonny Corinthos!
