Timothe Chalamet spread STDs at NYU

R353 if this is the attention you give someone who “barely registers” people who capture your attention must take out restraining orders:

“ Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU Little diseased slut. Watch all his DL stans line up to get infected by this ugly, rat-faced, STD-laced whore.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU Fugly STRAIGHT whore.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU The movie came out in 2017; he's 24 now. So he was older than 17.

And there were no frontal nude scenes, R85. They wouldn't do frontal nudity.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU R156=the ghost of Candy Darling.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU "but he was not a huge star"

And he still isn't, R170.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU R221, you're gushing so hard! You sound like the gayest PR flak, circa 1962.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU R223, if you can't see the difference between Chalamet in anything and Al Pacino in The Godfather movies, Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon, you are truly blind.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU "Little Women’s a huge success. All down to him and Greta lbh."

Excuse me bitch, R229?

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU And it's "due to," not "down to," dumb bitch R229.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU And I could piggyback on R261--don't be an indiscriminate whore like Timmee, fucking and infecting.

"Good for Timothy?" Glad "he was getting laid?" Sounds like he was a walking Petri dish of VD.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU "The only reason Tim is not considered leading man material is to do with homophobia"

Oh MARY R264! First of all, you know him as "Tim"? LMFAO!

Second, the idea that he's not a leading man because Hollywood supposedly hates fags is hilarious! Oh, my sides!

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU "Those getting worked up are scared shitless of his trajectory" Yes, R306--terrified! LMFAO.

R313, how did Timmee's "stellar performance" save CMBYN from being a "pedo flick"? Either it was or it wasn't.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU Who called him fey and mocked him, apart from DL, perhaps? And it remains to be seen that he will become an "action hero."

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU A single article? Who cares? And shooting an action film does not make an actor an action hero. At any rate, I'm not interested in action hero actors. Not one.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU Jim Carrey was a leading man for a while. Did he exude leadership and confidence?

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU Chalamet is hardly a box office draw.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU Who's Tom Holland?

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU That does not make him a box office draw. Jon Hamm is ten times the definition of a leading man and he doesn't open movies.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU I don't think wanting the career of a huge movie star makes any actor particularly calculating or phony.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU If his fave actor is Joaquin Phoenix, that doesn't speak well of Chalamet. Have you see JOKER? He was a fucking ham.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU Brando was my favorite actor, R340. Of living actors--Tim Roth is definitely a favorite. I can't think of any male movie stars I think are exceptional actors. Of the women, Streep is often great.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU "you sound way to old"

Oh, dear R344. And is being young the reason you're stupid? Maybe you should reflect on that when you attack someone for being "way to old." At least I know the difference between "to" and "too." As for being "bothered" by Chalamet, hardly. He barely registers.

And R345, if you can watch Brando in movies like The Godfather or Streetcar Named Desire or On The Waterfront and call him hammy, I'd say you're the one with a problem--mainly the problem of having your head up your ass. Mate.

Timothée Chalamet spread STDs at NYU Pretty accurate, I'd say, R355.”
