Where Is Sqatter Kenneth Robinson From Texas Now 2022? Did He Get The House?

A sqatter made headlines in 2012 after acquiring a house for $16, and people are wondering where is Kenneth Robinson of Texas now.

Squatting is the act of occupying an abandoned or vacant plot of land or a building, usually residential, that the squatter does not own, rent, or have otherwise lawfully authorization to use.

In 2003, the United Nations projected that there were one billion slum dwellers and squatters worldwide.

A similar incident caught the viewer’s attention in 2012 in Texas, and the controversial case made headlines in the media.

Where Is Kenneth Robinson Texas Now In 2022?

Kenneth Robinson, the sqatter of Texas, has not disclosed the details about his whereabouts in 2022 to the public and media.

Kenneth was ultimately evicted from the $340,000 property he had been renting for $16. Robinson lived on Waterford Drive in Flower Mound, Texas. Robinson did not own or rent the house, but he claimed he had a right to live in it.

After abandoning the property, which had been in foreclosure for over a year, and the mortgage company supposedly went out of business, the owner filed a $16 filing fee at the local courts, alleging that the law of “adverse possession” allowed him the right to occupy the residence.

Robinson had become something of a local celebrity, having written an eBook and created a website, writing about the house he had lived in for around eight months.

Adverse possession is a common law doctrine that dates back to the 1800s. According to Lucas A. Ferrara, a partner at Newman Ferrara, a New York real estate law company, adverse possession was adopted to ensure that property was “kept and supervised.”

Did The Sqatter Get The House?

The sqatter, Kevin Robinson, did not get the house and was kicked out from the property he was living in for $16.

According to a CBS story, authorities were unable to locate the prior owners of the household, nor was there any firm mentioned that could file an official complaint against Robinson.

The former Marine had lived the “squatters” lifestyle while still having legal rights to do so. Robinson’s neighbors were not pleased with his method of securing a dwelling in the Flower Mound home.

According to county records, the house’s last owner, William Ferguson, paid $332,000 for it in 2005 and looked to have difficulties making payments around three years later.

Kenneth Robinson Family Update

Kenneth Robinson had refused to share information about his family to the reporters as he stood at the front entrance of his two-story, 3,200-square-foot home with a pool in the backyard.

He did not disclose how much money he received from book sales or seminars linked to his takeover.

The Daily Mail stated that while real estate professionals and officials accused Robinson of abusing the law, he encouraged scores of imitators who moved into Dallas-Fort Worth area properties.
