The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a movement within modern Christianity that has gained significant attention and scrutiny in recent years. It is a loosely organized network of churches, charismatic leaders, and ministries that seek to restore what they believe to be the lost offices of apostles and prophets, along with a reformation of the structure and authority within the Church. The NAR movement places a strong emphasis on supernatural manifestations, spiritual warfare, prophetic intercession, and the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.
1. What are the origins of the New Apostolic Reformation?
The origins of the New Apostolic Reformation can be traced back to the charismatic movement of the 1960s and 1970s within mainstream Christianity. However, the term “New Apostolic Reformation” itself was coined by C. Peter Wagner, a prominent charismatic leader and theologian, in the late 1990s. Wagner believed that the Church needed a new apostolic paradigm to overcome the perceived limitations of traditional denominational structures and hierarchy.
2. What are the key beliefs of the New Apostolic Reformation?
The NAR movement holds several key beliefs. Firstly, it believes in the restoration of the offices of apostles and prophets as essential for the effective functioning of the Church. This includes the belief that modern-day apostles and prophets have the authority and anointing to bring about spiritual transformation and societal change. Secondly, the NAR emphasizes the necessity of supernatural manifestations, such as healings, miracles, and spiritual gifts, as evidence of God’s presence and power. Lastly, the NAR teaches a dominionist theology, which asserts that Christians are called to exercise influence and leadership in all areas of society to establish God’s kingdom on earth.
3. How does the New Apostolic Reformation view spiritual warfare?
The NAR places great emphasis on spiritual warfare, viewing it as an ongoing battle against demonic forces to advance God’s kingdom. This warfare is believed to be fought primarily through prayer, intercession, and spiritual strategies aimed at breaking down strongholds and releasing God’s power. The NAR teaches that Christians have the authority to confront and overcome demonic powers through the use of specific spiritual techniques, such as binding and loosing, deliverance ministry, and prophetic intercession.
4. Is the New Apostolic Reformation a distinct denomination?
No, the New Apostolic Reformation is not a distinct denomination. It is a loosely connected movement made up of individuals, churches, and ministries from various Christian denominations, including Pentecostal, charismatic, and evangelical churches. Despite lacking a centralized governing body or formal organizational structure, the NAR operates through apostolic networks, conferences, and collaborative efforts, where like-minded individuals and groups come together around shared beliefs and goals.
5. Does the New Apostolic Reformation have a global influence?
Yes, the New Apostolic Reformation has an extensive global influence. Its teachings and practices have spread throughout many parts of the world, particularly in North and South America, Africa, and parts of Asia. The NAR has been successful in attracting followers and establishing churches, ministries, and training schools in numerous countries. While exact figures are difficult to obtain, it is estimated that millions of people around the world are influenced by NAR teachings and participate in NAR-affiliated activities.
6. What is the criticism of the New Apostolic Reformation?
The New Apostolic Reformation has faced significant criticism from within the Christian community and from scholars and theologians. One primary criticism is related to the movement’s theology and practices, which many argue deviate from mainstream Christian doctrine. Critics also express concern about the perceived lack of accountability and oversight within the NAR, as well as the potential for authoritarian leadership and spiritual abuse. Additionally, some question the movement’s focus on personal power, wealth, and its claims of political influence.
7. Does the New Apostolic Reformation engage with the wider Christian community?
While there are individuals within the NAR movement who actively engage with the wider Christian community, the movement as a whole tends to operate somewhat independently. The NAR places great importance on its own networks, conferences, and resources, often creating distinct subcultures that are heavily influenced by its unique theological perspectives and practices. However, there are also instances of collaboration and cooperation between the NAR and other Christian groups on specific issues or initiatives, particularly when it comes to areas such as evangelism and social justice.
8. Are there any notable figures associated with the New Apostolic Reformation?
Yes, the New Apostolic Reformation has been associated with several notable figures within the charismatic Christian world. C. Peter Wagner, who coined the term “New Apostolic Reformation,” was a key influencer in the movement until his passing in 2016. Other prominent figures who have been linked to the NAR include Bill Johnson, Mike Bickle, Rick Joyner, and Cindy Jacobs. These individuals have authored books, established ministries, and have been influential in shaping the beliefs and practices of the NAR.
9. Do all charismatic Christians align with the New Apostolic Reformation?
No, not all charismatic Christians align with the New Apostolic Reformation. While the NAR has gained recognition and following within the charismatic movement, it is not representative of all charismatic Christians. Charismatic Christianity is a diverse and broad movement that encompasses various theological perspectives, practices, and denominations. Many charismatic Christians do not subscribe to the unique teachings and practices associated with the NAR and instead align with more traditional charismatic or Pentecostal beliefs and structures.
10. Are there any positive aspects of the New Apostolic Reformation?
Despite the controversies and criticisms surrounding the New Apostolic Reformation, its followers and proponents believe that it has positive aspects. Supporters of the NAR highlight its emphasis on spiritual gifts, passionate worship, and a focus on personal and societal transformation. They credit the movement with inspiring a greater hunger for spiritual encounters and a deeper commitment to prayer and intercession. Additionally, some argue that the NAR has played a role in bringing unity among believers from various denominations and traditions.
11. How does the mainstream Christian community view the New Apostolic Reformation?
The mainstream Christian community has varying views regarding the New Apostolic Reformation. While some Christians are supportive of the NAR and its teachings, many others are critical or skeptical. Traditional denominations often express concerns about the movement’s theological distinctiveness, leadership models, and practices. Scholars and theologians have engaged in rigorous debate about the legitimacy and implications of the NAR’s claims. It is important to note that opinions within the mainstream Christian community can differ significantly, and there is no unified stance on the NAR.
12. How does the New Apostolic Reformation influence politics?
The New Apostolic Reformation has been associated with political involvement and activism in certain regions, primarily in the United States. Some NAR leaders and followers are known for being politically engaged, seeking to exert a Christian influence in the political sphere. This involvement can take the form of advocacy, lobbying, and endorsing candidates who align with the NAR’s theological and moral positions. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that not all individuals within the NAR embrace political activism, and opinions within the movement can vary on political matters.
13. Are there any legal controversies associated with the New Apostolic Reformation?
There have been instances of legal controversies surrounding certain individuals and organizations associated with the New Apostolic Reformation. Some NAR-affiliated ministries have faced scrutiny related to financial improprieties, misuse of funds, and allegations of fraud. However, it is important to avoid generalizing these controversies to the entire NAR movement, as legal issues can arise within any religious or secular organization.
14. How does the New Apostolic Reformation impact society at large?
The impact of the New Apostolic Reformation on society at large is challenging to determine definitively. Proponents argue that the movement’s emphasis on spiritual transformation and societal change can inspire individuals and communities to work for positive social outcomes, such as addressing poverty, injustice, and inequity. However, critics express concern about the potential for moral and theological extremism, as well as the conservative political agenda that some within the NAR promote. It is essential to contextualize the reach and influence of the NAR within the broader landscape of Christianity and society.
15. Where can I learn more about the New Apostolic Reformation?
Interested individuals can learn more about the New Apostolic Reformation through various resources. Books authored by key figures associated with the NAR, such as C. Peter Wagner, Bill Johnson, and Cindy Jacobs, provide insight into their beliefs and perspectives. Additionally, there are online resources, articles, and documentaries available that explore the NAR from both critical and supportive viewpoints. Engaging in open dialogue with individuals from different Christian traditions and attending conferences or events that discuss the NAR can also help broaden understanding on this complex and debated movement.
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