Shay Johnson Mother Sandra and Baby Daddy: Love and Hip Hop Star Family

Shay Johnson’s mom, Sandra Sims, and father, Joe Johnson Sr., got separated when she was a kid. Her mother raised her.

Shay is a TV character known for showing up in the unscripted TV drama Love and Hip Hop. She has additionally showed up on VH1’s unscripted TV drama Flavor of Love.

Before she showed up on unscripted TV dramas, she had filled in as a music video model for craftsmen like Fabolous, TI, and Cee Lo. She is additionally on magazines, including King and Giant.

She has additionally showed up in the Iyanla: Fix My Life with her family to repair their wrecked relationship.

Johnson is likewise a proprietor of a business, The Healthy Hands, which sells normal items containing various cell reinforcements figured out with recuperating spices that assistance to battle and forestall illnesses.

She has a huge fan following on her web-based entertainment; she has 1.3M adherents on her Instagram and 308.3K supporters on Twitter.

Shay Johnson And Her Mother Have a Rocky Relationship Johnson’s mom, Sandra Sims, has a tumoulstous relationship with her kids.

At the point when the Johnson family showed up in the unscripted television show Iyanla: Fix My Life, it showed the family’s messed up relationship.

Shay had a grieved youth; while growing up, her mom used to contrast her and her brothers more often than not. At the point when Iyanla, the show have, got some information about it, Sandra didn’t deny the assertion.

While a projecting tape was displayed on the show, Sandra expressed that Shay was mean and terrible. At the point when Iyanla talked with Shay, she said that she got her hostility from her as Sandra shouted at her more often than not.

Shay likewise expressed that when she was more youthful, her mom had said, “she wished she had three young men.” Johnson had an alternate relationship with her dad; he thought often more about her yet left after the separation.

Love and Hip Hop star wished she had a similar relationship with her mom. She additionally conceded that it would have obliterated her assuming something had happened to her mom. Her brothers Emjay and Joe were additionally introduced on the show; they made sense of how their mom didn’t give them the adoration that small children need.

They likewise communicated how their dad showed more love despite the fact that he was far away.

Shay Johnson Baby’s Father Name Is Still A Mystery Love and Hip Hop star reported the introduction of her little girl Shajiyah on May 19, 2022, through her Instagram. Since the introduction of her girl, fans have been interested to be familiar with the dad, yet Johnson has stayed quiet.

Johnson imparted to BET that co-nurturing with the dad of her youngster has many high points and low points like any association. She expressed that the dad is in her girl’s life and is somewhat controlling yet find out about raising a child than her.

The child’s dad is somebody Johnson has known for quite a long time; she has made sense of that he isn’t some irregular man she has met. They have been in an on-and-off relationship.

Many fans have hypothesized that the child’s dad is Johnson’s ex Lil Scrappy; notwithstanding, he has been with his better half for north of four years. The name of the child’s dad is as yet a secret.

Johnson had archived her pregnancy intricacies and imparted them to her fans through Instagram. She was unable to convey her little girl through typical strategy because of an instance of Placenta previa. After the introduction of her girl, she is thinking about having another kid.
