Kyle Copeland Staloch Obituary, Death Cause – At A.S. Turner and Sons in Decatur, we will be conducting a memorial service to honor Kyle’s life on the following Saturday, which is the 9th of December. The ceremony will take place immediately after the visitation, which will take place between the hours of three and four o’clock. If you knew and loved Kyle, please call attention to the fact that you are here. With the same degree of familiarity and affection that you have for me, you also have for him. I would appreciate it if you could spread the word about the fact that the individual is capable of creating a party that is out of this world. Greetings in the morning, Handsome and Magnificent Husband! It is Kyle A. Copeland.
As for Staloch, Even now, it is difficult for me to accept the fact that you are no longer present. This is the third day that I have woken up to a world that you are not in, and it continues to feel like a terrible nightmare that I am unable to wake up from. I am unable to wake up from this nightmare. I had such great hopes that today would be a little bit simpler than yesterday when I woke up today, but so far, that has not been the case. Unfortunately, I am still waiting for that to happen. This morning, while I hurried to get the trash out of the home, I hope you had a good laugh watching me block the garbage truck with your automobile. I hope you had a good time.
There are a lot of little things that you did that I never had to think about, and I’m starting to notice it more and more. I can only hope that you had a nice laugh. I was finally able to experience a sense of happiness and safety because to the fact that you shared your knowledge with me. Through your actions, you have given my life a purpose. You are the person who is accountable for my genius… when it comes to my brick, the mortar is the Mitch to my Cam. You are the person you are responsible for.