Luke Dunn Car Accident, Death – We stood by one other through happy and sad times alike, thereby building a connection that will outlast the passage of time. Even though you leave today for a destination that lies beyond the confines of this world, I take comfort in the knowledge that our lives will continue to intersect in the life to come. I pray that the Lord grants you his everlasting peace.
Your absence has created an incalculable chasm; a buddy such as yourself is a priceless gem that cannot be replicated. You have always had a special place in my life, and now that you have passed away, my thoughts and prayers are with the peace and comfort of your soul after it has been taken from this world.
Your life story is replete with achievements, which is evidence of your unflinching determination and consistent commitment to walking the straight and narrow road of integrity. As you relax, my good friend, I have a glimpse of a glorious recompense that is waiting for you in the bosom of the divine.
I bid farewell to everyone and everything with every single cry that slides down my cheek. My most treasured companion, I bid you farewell till we meet again in heaven. Your son, a shining example of charm, has made an impression that cannot be erased. The very thought of his absence causes a pain in one’s chest. During this difficult time, please accept my heartfelt condolences and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your unexpected departure brought into sharper focus the emotional anguish associated with having to say goodbye. Dear one, may you find restful slumber as you go out on a voyage that extends beyond the bounds of our life on earth.