Fame | Sid Miller (politician) net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Sid Miller (politician)? When is Sid Miller (politician)'s birthday? Where is Sid Miller (politician) born? Where did Sid Miller (politician) grow up from? What's Sid Miller (politician)'s age?

Sid Miller (politician) Born: September 6, 1955 (age 67years), De Leon, Texas, United States

Is Sid Miller (politician) married? When did Sid Miller (politician) get married? Who's Sid Miller (politician)'s married to? (Who's Sid Miller (politician)'s husband / wife)?

Sid Miller (politician) Spouse: Debra Joan Miller

Does Sid Miller (politician) have any children? What are the names of Sid Miller (politician)'s children? What are the ages of Sid Miller (politician)'s children?

Sid Miller (politician) Children: Sidney Truett Miller, Joseph Miller

How about Sid Miller (politician)'s education?

Sid Miller (politician) Education: Tarleton State University (1978), Cisco College

How about Sid Miller (politician)'s party?

Sid Miller (politician) Party: Republican Party

How about Sid Miller (politician)'s current position?

Sid Miller (politician) Current position: Commissioner of Agriculture of Texas since 2015

How about Sid Miller (politician)'s previous position?

Sid Miller (politician) Previous position: Texas State Representative (20012013)

What has Sid Miller done for Texas?

Shortly after taking office, Miller created the Farm Fresh Initiative (including Farm Fresh Fridays), a farm-to-table program for Texas schools. The initiative has led many school nutrition programs to expand the program beyond one day of the week.

What does the agriculture commissioner of Texas do?

The agency's key objectives are to promote production agriculture, consumer protection, economic development and healthy living. The agriculture commissioner oversees the agency and is elected every four years.
