My boyfriend only rated me an 8/10 physically, should I do us both a favor and just end it since I'm

There are underlying problems here in both of you. I don't know the thought process of this man when he said this. It could be honest and innocent and have nothing to do with his overall feelings for you And you are trying to read his mind by what he said. Some girls are prettier than others, but outward beauty isn't the ultimate in attraction to most people. For me personally, beauty is a combination of things. In the end, it is the personality that brings the heat and desire most. Beauty catches the eye first, but it is the entire person that usually wins the other over. I want to see how the face looks when it is animated by the soul. The true beauty of anyone lies in the body's animation. In this, we are unique. The brain likes to look at beautiful things. But, it is our interaction with each other that excites us most. In the end love dictates what is truly beautiful to us. I wouldn't rate my partner at all, nor would I break her rating into parts of beauty. It is the whole person I like. And if I rate someone I should know how they are going to see it. We take personal ratings as we do grades on tests. The problem is that you can't improve looks that much. So the person being graded always ends up feeling inadequate. And ratings also imply comparisons. So regardless if you are a 10 or a 1, you end up feeling insecure as well. Also, ratings are entirely based on individual perception. So the person being rated has no foundational standard for comparison. We are all attracted to what we find beautiful, but what we find beautiful is entirely subjective to the individual. Lastly, when someone rates you, that means they have a standard of beauty. That implies that they may be looking to trade up if the opportunity comes along. Unless you are perfect for them inside and out, it implies that you aren't the best that they could have. Ratings are for idiots. Nobody marries a 10. They become a 10 when you fall in love with whole person as is. And usually those who think they married a 10 later become unhappy when they eventually discover that they were more like a 5 when they finally unwrap the entire person. You just can't rate intangibles. And you can't know which intangibles will grow on you over time. People who are considered to be beautiful on the outside often put all of their focus on that trait and put little effort into everything else about them. They depend on attracting mates with outward beauty, but the person on the inside is under developed because they don't need to rely on that. And people who choose others based mainly on beauty often don't care about anything else the person has to offer.

Either you have an honest, innocent guy who just simply just rated one part of you and made a forgiveable faux pas, or you are the best he could do for now. I don't know him, so I can't see what he was thinking about you. And you can't see what he was thinking either. Maybe he's pumping his fist behind your back because he got an 8!!, when he thought he could only get a
6 or a 7. Or maybe he is perfectly happy with an 8 out of 10 in looks.

For your part though, work on that insecurity. You only need to be happy with yourself the way you are and connect with him deeper emotionally. When you do that your intuition and instincts will give you a better idea how he sees you, than any conclusion your brain can come up with.
